Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The year in review.

Well its officially 2012! So it's only proper to have a 2011 year in review post. 

Little Miss A. That girl went through many changes last year. Her vocab blew up!! She says things that you would expect an adult to say, she is polite and usually uses her manners. Get her around her aunts and uncles though and she can be the loudest grossest kid ever! She mastered the art of the wet willie and uses phrases like "You wanna go?!" "Turd head" and "Oh by gosh". She has learned the art of pretend crying to get what she wants, she would make quite the little actress. What I found most intriguing about that girl is her mothering sympathetic side. When your sick or have a headache she is the first person to run and rub your head telling you it will be alright. She can be downright mean and nice all at the same time. She is independent and less needy of her mommy, which has probably been something I have had to learn to deal with. All in all I am so proud of what she is turning into. So with all that said, here are a few pics of A from 2011. 
The lunch lady.
 The rock wall master!
And her dad's mini me.  

As for Little Miss E. Boy oh boy. This sweetie is my handful. She has officially made the transition from baby to toddlerhood. She has developed a love for lots of food, art, and vocal self expression. If she doesn't get fed as soon as she wakes up then consider your day ruined with vocal self expression aka loud screaming jags. She is very hands on and would prefer to sit and "colo"r all day. She has mastered drawing circles on everything from paper, books, walls, cabinets, and counter tops. Thank you Sharpie for her permanent artwork. Her talking was also a new thing in 2011. She says random words like phone, garage, waterly (water please), molly (her dog),  and many many others. I'm truly excited to see what 2012 has in store for her. 

 E still learning how to walk. 
 Diggin in the dirt with a screwdriver while dad puts up our greenhouse.
 4th of July at Aunt Linda's house!
 A little morning Popsicle anyone?
 First beach trip.

 The usual face she makes.. 

E and Aunt "Chell-she" at the family christmas dinner. 

Speaking of Christmas, it was a busy fun one! We woke up at 8 did our little family thing at home. Then went down the road to Bepa's for Christmas breakfast, then headed to Aunt Ashley's/Aunt Linda's house for a couple hours, and finally back to Grams for Christmas dinner. It was the busiest family filled Christmas we've ever had. 

As for the rest of things in and around our house..  Dad started building our entertainment center last May, he's hoping to have that finished soon. If your a working parent, then i'm sure you know how hard it is to find time for these things. We're also hoping to have our front yard re-landscaped and our backyard leveled. Once that happens I will get a picture up of said little house in the desert, till then I will openly admit, I am embarrassed of it. The garden went alright last year. It was my first year attempting things so I had alot of problems that I was able to learn from. Hoping to have many more posts and goals for this years garden on the blog.  Not much else to post about at the moment. Except I hope everyone reading this has a great 2012!!